2nd Photographic Orientation Event, C.D Piratas 4x4 San Pedro de Alcantara 2023.

Our club has been invited to collaborate in a solidarity event in aid of children with Autism. We are in the prosess of collaborating with them and hope to have the support from our members.

First of April you will receive 15 wpts with their respective photographies which you will have two months to achieve.

Wpts cover all the province of Malaga.

Photos will be given points for their acurracy of the position of the exact image provided on each wpt. Trophies will be given to the first 3 positions together with prizes donated by companies.

As mentioned, all proceeds will be for the association El Principito, for children with Autism.

Those willing to collaborate or participate do get in contact with us.

The Committee.

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Prizes going out for the photographic competition, Antonio was the first one to finish the 15 wpts.

You finished second!

Prize for the most Liked photo.

Good evening

We would like to start off by welcoming everyone to the new Official Chat Group.

We would like to take this opportunity to announce that we have received some good news. As you are aware, a few of our members participated in the II Concurso 4x4 Fotografico Y De Orientacion and we have just been told that there are a few members who have won some prizes!

We would like to congratulate Alfred, Louis, Karim Gracia and Kenneth Massetti for being the winners from our Club member’s participation in the event.

Thank you to all who participated and represented our Club in the event.

The Committee.

Se ha hecho esperar pero ya se da por finalizado el 2 concurso fotográfico . En esta ocasión varios miembros de Club Piratas San Pedro Alcantara y otros varios de maroc atlas gib quedamos en Algeciras, concretamente en salida 109 , para entregar el premio al club con más participantes del concurso , charlando con ellos te das cuenta que son más que un club, son una gran familia.

Felicitar al amigo Jesús canguro de Ruta Solidaria Málaga que vuelve a subir al cajón ,en este caso con un tercer puesto muy peleado. Gracias por participar y te esperamos para la fotográfica 2024.

Hoy queremos felicitar al segundo clasificado, del club reinoso 4x4 el amigo Juan chivero. Enhorabuena, disfruta de tu premio y gracias por participar.

Hoy vamos a felicitar al campeón de la segunda edición de la fotográfica , el amigo Carlos, con su increíble samurái. Gracias por participar, y gracias tambien a Jorge Colindres por valorar las fotos , sé que no es fácil, y gracias a todos los colaboradores y a todos los participantes, esperemos que la III fotográfica del 2024 salga todavía mejor.


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