Light campaign
After collecting a very important number of glasses, which are brought by our friends who participated in Raids towards our association. And for that, I thought of a good initiative, which is to use the frames of these glasses to good use. Necessary schoolgirls from schools with impairment of sight, in order to save their path to school. That's why I created a list for those who wish to join us in saving these innocent little kids. And thank you very much for your big heart and generosity.
I can receive your donations by Western union or wafa cash or cash plus after payment to Moha Bekbouti Er-rich 52400 Midelt province Morocco you can send me the mandate code and the amount sent and thank you.

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Still space on our poster for anyone willing to contribute for this great cause.

Today we close our Child Sight Appeal fund raising with the sum of £1300, we would like to thank everyone who has collaborated for this great cause for the children of Er Rich region.

Our team will visit them next Sunday during the Maroc Challenge WE 2022.

We would like to thank two of our trustees for attending the Diabetics Association in Er rich, for the presentation of £1400 that was donated for the Er Rich Child Sight Appeal. This could not have been done without the collaboration of our sponsors.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors, including A&D Services and Firstbloc Ltd bringing the final funding to £1550, thanks for always supporting us on our solidarity works In Morocco.
Asmaindanslamain Poursolidethandicap Er-Rich
Moha Bekbouti

132 children will receive glasses with their respective lenses.

We would like to thank all our sponsors for supporting us once again in this worthy cause.

Message sent today.

Today, Saturday 01/07/2023, measurements were taken for the students who will benefit from the glasses. Thank you very much to our brothers from MarocAtlas Gibraltar 4x4 Club who contributed to financing this campaign for the benefit of the visually impaired students in order to facilitate the follow-up of their studies.

That is fantastic!


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