Hey Dudes,

I was wondering if I bought a CB radio from ebay (for example) and it was from some other continent would it still work on the same frequencies as everyone elses? Are things regional or anything like that? Any advice on CB's would be appreciated.


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My CB has UK and Euro selection on it, i think a lot do these days.


You just flick a switch on the front panel, and it changes. still FM for both frequency bands though.


This is the one i've got, although it's rebadged as some other make. nice and simple to use. It only gets used when i'm out laning with mates; either CB or PMR, depending on who's got what.



Mine is an ITT and has the same function but it surely specifies for its region no matter which make or model you purchase.

Stewart ask Brian Fernandez,he had some good ones for sale.

What CB Channal does the club use? AM/FM? Is there anywhere else in Gib other than Sheppards that sells CB radio coax cable and fittings for it? Got the fitting that screws to the back of the radio for 10 quid(!!!!!!) from Sheppards but didn't realise I was short cable at the time.

The nearest place I know is at the road of the cementary at la linea,the place is called Electricidad something else,its on your left hand side as you drive up north,they have everything you need,remember you will need the two functions AM & FM,the channels we decide as we move along.

OK cool thanks guys

What is the translation of CB radio in Spanish? Looking for a used one. Can't find a am/fm in the states.

Its called emisora,remember it has to have AM & FM for better use ;)


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