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Thanks to the people of Gibraltar for their support!

Our charity donations update!!! As of today, we have raised approximately £9,700. Only £300 short of our target!!! Please Share. Please spread the word. If you know people who have not yet donated and would be able to do so, please let them know. Thank you.

The Gibraltar Disability Society are holding a charity bingo night at the Casino on Wednesday13th November. Tickets are £12 for 10 games. Last house is a prize of £1,000!

A raffle will also take place on the night. Please contact Angela on 57178000 or 20075210 to get your tickets.

Plesse Help!!!

There are a group of Philippines collecting clothes and goods for the Typhoon Victims. If you have any old clothes that you don't need. Please box them up and drop them off to us we will ensure that they get to the right people. A container is ready and waiting in Spain for shipment to the Philippines.

We will be collaborating in this cause thanks to the cumminities support!

Alfred Balban said:

Plesse Help!!!

There are a group of Philippines collecting clothes and goods for the Typhoon Victims. If you have any old clothes that you don't need. Please box them up and drop them off to us we will ensure that they get to the right people. A container is ready and waiting in Spain for shipment to the Philippines.

Tonight more than one hundred bags of clothing has been delivered to the people involved and taken into Spain,great work by some local ladies!!

We have three of our vehicles ready loaded with clothes and camping beds for tonight to deliver to the people responsible of sending it over to Philippines!

Marocatlasgib4x4 Club said:

Tonight more than one hundred bags of clothing has been delivered to the people involved and taken into Spain,great work by some local ladies!!

This has been achieved thanks to the Gibraltar Community!

MarocAtlasGib4x4 Club will be joining force with the Dolphin Bar and other entities ,every one is invited to attend and have fun,there will be stalls and jumping castles,also face paintings and much more on Saturday the 23rd of November 2013.We will create an RCC track for the kids to use in the big pool of Rosia Bay all in aid of the Philippines Appeal so come with your family and support this cause which aims in sending a container full with clothes and other materials from Gibraltar to Philippines,we need to raise 3500.00 pounds to do the delivery,if anyone wants to help by sponsoring this please contact us on 54031219 or 54019138!


We are dedicated to Leisure & Sports and collaborating locally & abroad in charitable works & Solidarity Projects on our annual Raids.

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