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Announcement from Zed on Wheels of our collaboration in his next challenge!
Published by Zed Ryan
My next adventure will consist of cycling across the Moroccan Sahara Desert from Zagora to Oujda in seven days.
All funds raised from this unique cycling event across the Desert will be donated towards Jay Ritchie. 
Jay is 7yrs of age and has autism' his parents want to provide Jay with a Sensory room (along with vital accessories) at home so he can relax,learn or play in a comfortable safe environment especially adapted towards his needs.

The Challenge will take place February or March 2018' along with the MarocAtlas group' who once again will be collaborating towards the cause .

Thank you all for your support 
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Looking forward for this Challenge!

Jimmy Bruzon Actionforschools — feeling positive.

Coming very soon.......http://www.action4schools.gi/…/grand-car-raffle-saturday-2…/ Volunteers to sell tickets are needed... great prizes... great cause.. thank you ! www.action4schools.gi (please share)

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Don't Miss Out!! Pick up Bargains Galore and support a worthy Charity 

Big thank you to Javi Valarino for giving away his old car to Malachi Donaldson for his travels around the world. This car had a lot of sentimental value to javi so well done mate we will be kept updated on how he does. This is what the club does share between members

 — with Javi Valarino and Malachi Donaldson.
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Nice one Javi!

Zed on Wheels 
Our next Challenge for next year together with Zed cycling for Jay and in aid of Autism Awareness!
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Looking forward to it!

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Jimmy Bruzon Actionforschools

Grand car raffle..... 2 cars plus 8 more fantastic prizes !!! £10 a ticket..looking for help please selling tickets.... volunteer and make a difference more info www.action4schools.gi Thanks...please share and let raise £33,000 in the next few months !

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"Plz" dig into your pockets what you can for this charitable course;

On Sunday the 24th of September, I will don my finest attire with my fellow men and women across the globe to join the fight with The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride to raise awareness for prostate cancer and men’s mental health. But before I press my tweed and polish my boots, I need you to donate what you can for this meaningful cause and help me reach my goal.
For your uncles, your brothers, your fathers and friends. Donate what you can, for their lives need not end.
#gentlemansride #misfitavenue #prostatecancerawareness#mensmentalhealth

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Weʼre raising money to help support The Saffron Rose 4 Rett Charitable Trust, Gibraltar.. Support this JustGiving Crowdfunding Page.


We are dedicated to Leisure & Sports and collaborating locally & abroad in charitable works & Solidarity Projects on our annual Raids.

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