Tonight we had our AGM thanks to the great response from our members. Some even on video conference because of work and illness.😎👌

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Thank you to all who could attend!

Good evening.

Tonight we have held the EGM meeting at the Club and all points have been cleared.

The main points brought up were the Committee not being changed yearly, the Club’s finances and the use of the Club’s premises.

It has been agreed that the subject of changing the Committee is a delicate and difficult one as for the Committee to stand down, we need a minimum of 50% attendance and those who have attended have agreed it is better to leave the Committee as is and if anyone else wishes to join, all they have to do is put it in writing and hand in to the Club’s secretary.

All of the Club’s finances are available and visible to see by any member who wishes to see them. They are on our Club’s computer and Louis can also provide them.

It has also been agreed and understood that our Club premises are very small and we try to cater for as much as we can. We have tools available for those who wish to attempt any project on their vehicles and are available upon asking any Committee member.

We are constantly trying to improve how we do things and how we operate and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all that have attended tonight and anyone who has any doubts may contact any member of our Committee for any information or advice.

Thanks to you all once again

The Committee.


We are dedicated to Leisure & Sports and collaborating locally & abroad in charitable works & Solidarity Projects on our annual Raids.

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