After 25 years and maybe having told so many times how all this started makes me wonder how things or ideas change through time and has inspired me to write this.

My first 4x4 was a Range Rover, really made good use of it in the days when there was no laws in Spain to be at the campo, every weekend would be an off-road adventure. In 1993 some friends went over with a club from Malaga to a raid into Morocco, when they came back it was all talk of that trip and they invited me for the next one in March 1994 for ten days. My 4x4 was a petrol engine and was not in very good conditions or reliable to do over 2000 km trip. So I bought out of the shop my Toyota Land Cruiser hdj80 just a few weeks before the March Raid and invited my late father and eldest brother to join me.

The trip consisted in crossing the Grand Atlas from North to South to reach the Sahara desert in Merzouga. Travelling through those remote tracks in the Atlas made me experience something I had never lived, it actually brought me back in time, in the circumstances & conditions that people live in those areas is just incredible. For my surprise the group would stop in this villages and some of the participants in the group had clothing and other things to give to the children, this we did not know or were told about it so it came as a shock as we had nothing to give away. After the 10 days the trip lasted myself, father & brother were dressed in their Moroccan kaftans as we had given all our belongings away.

The Club Talleres Molina from Malaga invited us to their next trip in the same year in September for 16 days, we accepted and again the 3 of us went but this time ready to provide things for the needy thanks to family and friends who donated their stuff to do so. More Gib 4x4's attended this time and during the raid we were told that the Club will not continue doing the raids. There our group from Gibraltar decided we would do it the next year too.

So in 1995 we started going as a group looking for adventure and enjoy the love for the off-road world we all had, as in Morocco you are a free man with your 4x4. Some of us would always bring stuff to give away to the children we would find on the tracks, specially treats. All this has always been a voluntary thing were all participants pays for their own costs as we go along with no extra costs.
As the years got passed we continued up to 2003 as the same group of friends but by then we would fill our 4x4's of stuff for the needy, thanks to the donations of clothings for the children from our community and the collaboration of some sponsors.

Due to issues & circumstances of life I decided closing my Business I had and went over to Morocco to live.
During the 2 years I was there I did a few trips through the Atlas and would stay with people there who would invite me to their homes and treat me like one more of their families, their hospitality and true culture is what made me convert to Islam.

In 2005 I came back to Gibraltar, a married man to start a new life. I continued with some of the same group going to Morocco but now my main objective was to make sure everyone would fill up their 4x4's with stuff for the needy.

By 2011 our group was well known locally and there were some different groups of people with 4x4 vehicles who would go out on weekends to Spain for some fun.
Through Face Book and in the streets people came forward to me that they wanted to create an official 4x4 Club in Gibraltar. So we made a meeting for all off-roaders in Gib at the Macintosh Hall which we had a great response.
That night the Club was created and by a majority vote the name was to continue as our group was known locally, "MarocAtlasGib4x4 Club".

In 2012 we did the first ever 4x4 local event in aid of the Charity GBC Open Day at Catalan Bay, continuing doing so for a different charity cause every year thanks to our Gov. who provided Brewery Crasher at Europa Point for the past 6 years. Also the Club thanks to the members acquired a Dart Stall for our Local Fair supporting Special Olympics Gibraltar & Clubhouse Gibraltar, also different charities, both events being a great success thanks to the support of our community for this past years.

As from 2011 our 16 days trips to Morocco were named Solidarity Raid Challenge. Since 2015 we started doing a 10 days recon for our raids to always go to different areas so to know what was really needed to later provide to them.
Thanks to a number of sponsors which the list is so long I will not mention but you all know who you are and thank you for your continuous support throughout all this years providing school materials and much more for a better education for the children in those remotest areas which is what the challenge is all about.

From just doing our solidarity works directly with the most needed we have engaged with different local humanitarian associations and we work together in many different projects, providing water by drilling wells, building a classroom to provide for more pupils to be able to attend school, providing diabetics products to patients, caring for orphanages and handicap schools with wheelchairs and more materials they need.

The Club has also joined a Gibraltar local charity association, "The Taourarte Education Project Association" (registered charity N. 264) by providing the transport to reach their remote school project and take school materials as 4WD's vehicles are the only means to reach this village in the Anti Atlas. Also helping on the ground to refurbish the school in Taourarte, Chefchaouen.

Since 2012 the Club has also got involved in Motor Sports were we have been competing in international rallies in Morocco and also in trial competitions in Spain with great results from our teams. We also have our own competition organised by the club in a closed circuit in Spain "Circuito Almeji", sponsored by some of our grateful sponsors. We have done 7 competitions in Circuito Almeji.

In 2015 we inaugurated our Club premises thanks to the Ministry of Culture Mr Linares and officially registered as a 4x4 Club & a Non-profit Organisation by GSLA. 

For the past 3 years we have been honored to collaborate in one of our major communities events, towing the Three Kings Floats for the cavalcade committee and the enjoyment of our community.
Changes, Ideas, Projects, all accomplished thanks to all 147 registered members since 2011 who in anyway have contributed to see Us were we are today.

So 25 years have passed and hope to see many more enjoying what we most like and doing great things on our way for others in whatever way we can.


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The only official 4x4 Club in Gibraltar!

In 2012 our club organised the first ever 4x4 event done in Gibraltar thanks to the support from our government providing the reclamation area at Catalan Bay for this great moment!

Preparing and the opening of the event by our Honorable Minister for Transport Paul Balban.

9th Sept. 2012, 2nd day of our 1st Gibraltar 4x4 Trial Charity Events!

Our community really enjoyed the weekend and we really appreciate their support!


A great acheivement for the club was to join our Gibraltar Local Fair with a Stall which was provided by all members in 2012 and later payed back to them. This has brought us more into our community and been able to contribute with local charities and associations.

Interviewed in 2013 by GBC.

Memory walk!

Great work from all concerned!

Album showing from the start of our works in the club premisses.
Great progress in just two days 15/8/16.

Our 2nd raid, Sept 1994 Raid, 28 years ago!

A day to remember!


We are dedicated to Leisure & Sports and collaborating locally & abroad in charitable works & Solidarity Projects on our annual Raids.

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