We can now officially say we have signed the paperwork for our Club premises, our address is Unit G15 Entrenchment Building, Lathbury Barracks Rd.

We have loads of work to do so we will need the help of all members to have the place ready to use.

Club Location on Google Maps!


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The unit used to be an isolation room so we are in the process of dismantaling the isolation box!

We will be there today to carryon with the Works as from 3pm,not much left of the isolation box already,hope some of you guys can make it today ;)

Great work again today guys,keep it up!

I will be at the club today as from 3pm to continue with the Works!

Today I have been at the Land Property offices and made our first payments of our annual fee,the license papers will be ready for next week!

All the paper work has been collected,will issue a copy to the Chairman!

Nice one ;)

We need to carry on with the works at the premises :(

you just need a guy or two to empty the place so we can carry on working on the place :(

Guys we need to start works at the premisses, we need some volunteers!

This is joke, we have been complaining of this issue now for some time and nothing is getting done, we need the support of all clubs to get together to care for our premises. Still no access to our premises!

Yet again, the bin store has been left open and the monkeys have been at the rubbish. Short of asking for a monkey proof bin store I think a solution would be as was suggested at our meeting last night for clubs to take their own rubbish away with them in which case they should just do away with that bin store all together.

We need to be together as a group to get something done, we have already got some of the associations involved but we need all clubs to join in for a better future to our complex!

Today we have been once more clearing the store.

Thanks to those who were able to come to give a hand!

As from next week we will start to work on our premisses once again, those who are able to come we will be there as from 2pm every day!


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