The Self Determination for Gibraltar Group (SDGG) is pleased to announce that the annual Gibraltar Fair will take place at the Admiral Rooke Site, Queensway, from Friday 23rd to Saturday 31st August 2024.

The fair will once again provide a wide range of attractions and activities to entertain visitors of all ages. The events are being organised by the SDGG and works on the site will commence shortly.

Gibraltar Cultural Services is assisting the SDGG to ensure the smooth-running of the event.

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Our application to set up our Dart Stall is already submitted!

Today the committee started the ball rolling at their meeting for the setup of our dart stall at this years local fair!

An awards presentation for the National Day poster competition was held today at the Mario Finlayson National Art Gallery were we where present as our Dart Stall at our Local Fair 2024.

An awards presentation for the National Day poster competition was held today at the Mario Finlayson National Art Gallery.

This new competition was launched in June 2023 with the aim of finding an innovative design which could be used by Gibraltar Cultural Services to promote its National Day Programme of Events. The competition, which was a success, was organised in collaboration with the Self Determination for Gibraltar Group, attracted a remarkable total of 61 entries from talented local students.

The Minister for Equality, Employment Culture and Tourism, The Hon Christian Santos GMD MP, presented the following award:

Winner: Noa Sanchez Cano – Bayside Comprehensive School

In addition, Minister Santos and member of the Self Determination for Gibraltar Group, Forty Azzopardi, presented cheques amounting to the value of £14000 to local charities and volunteer groups that participated in National Celebrations. These funds were collected during the Gibraltar Fair.

Minister Santos said, “Congratulations to Noa on her winning design. I wish to thank all the charitable organisations, volunteers and all other entities who work throughout the Gibraltar Fair and indeed throughout the National Celebrations to ensure Gibraltar has the varied programme of entertainment we deserve. My thanks to Gibraltar Cultural Services and the SDGG who work tirelessly to produce and coordinate all the events that have taken place so successfully.”

Cheques were presented to the following charitable organisations:

Gibraltar National Dance Organisation

Gibraltar Women’s Health Group

Gibraltar Men’s Health Group

International Lions Club of Gibraltar

Nazareth House Soup Kitchen

The Psychological Support Group

MarocAtlas Gibraltar 4×4 Club – will donate to the 2 charities below:

Gibraltar Special Olympics

Clubhouse Gibraltar

As always it's a great pleasure to be part of this for our community.


We are dedicated to Leisure & Sports and collaborating locally & abroad in charitable works & Solidarity Projects on our annual Raids.

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