Maroc Atlas GIBRALTAR 4x4 CLUB - 1st Meeting!!!

26th May

7:00pm - 9:00pm

John Mackintosh Hall - Lecture Room (1st Floor)


To ALL Members, non-members, offroad enthusiasts & want-to-be members...

This is our first OFFICIAL meeting where we would like EVERYONE to attend who comes on our trips, anyone who is already a member of our group, if your a member of one of the other clubs (Club4x4Gib) and wish to join us, or even if you dont even know any of us but would like to join a new exciting club that is being set up for avid 4x4 drivers & offroaders!!!... PLEASE COME AND SUPPORT US!!!
You dont even have to be experienced in offroading - the trips we organise are of various levels of difficulty, from Trails to Extreme, and so anyone with a 4x4 can join us.

Please all come along on Thursday the 26th at 7:00pm to the John Mackintosh Hall Lecture room. There we will meet to discuss our club at its early stages, discuss membership fees, what you get for becoming a member and you will also be able to meet our friendly group.
We also encourage your input (It is after all going to be your club!) so any ideas you have, please bring them up for discussion!

Looking forwards to seeing you all there,

Stewart, (MarocAtlasGibraltar4x4CLU

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Great Mark,it will be good to have you guys join us in this venture!
We really hope someone representing Club4x4Gib will attend our meeting just so we can all be together in this if its only for future events.

Would love to come, but stuck here in the UK at present!!!



a big "HI" to all the Gib4x4 members who have migrated over here from the old forum... salut!!!

Well guys tomorrow is the day,hope to see as much of you as possible as this will be our first Club meeting and the more we attend the better results we will get to acheive our aims!

  Thanks to all the members and future members for attending our first meeting.we had 22 people attending which comes to show the amount of offroaders we have in Gibraltar.

   This has been our first move towards our association of all the groups,our next meeting will be at the Lions Club who have kindly given as their support by using their establishment for our monthly meetings.The date and time will be posted on our social network in due time.


The meeting went better than I expected and yes Mark we had a representative of each 4x4 groups in Gibraltar,hope for the best.



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