Topic of all the country has to offer through Nature and its Wildlife shown by locals from all over the country.
We are not the best but we try to give you what is best, welcome to the prairie world.

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Moila snake.
Scientific Name: (Rhagerhis moilensis)
It has several names, the most important of which is ′′ Abu Al-Eyoun El-Hanash ′′ and the lying cobra or the living with rear fangs.
He is behind the fangs and sorting out poison of the weak type but he is a killer of average animals like a rabbit
Length: up to about 1.5 m
He lives in the sandy desert areas and in the valleys where small bushes are often, and he is the day of living
And feeds on birds, lizards, and small rodents like spring and mice
This snake is a half-poisonous ′′ weak poisonous snake and it imitates cobra by blowing the neck as we see in the picture, so many people think it's a cobra, and this behavior is called imitation of the strong
He named Babu Al-Eyoun for the beauty of his eyes, or because there are black spots behind the eyes as if they were eyes.

Home of the sheep (sardi strain) 2 large-peak strain 80 to 90 cm white with black in the front of the face around the eyes at the end of the legs, ears, head and neck.
Geographic location
The cradle of the sardi dynasty is located in the regions of the Sattalad Al-Saraghna and the regions of the poor Beni Saraghna, Rahamna and Beni Mellal, and the herds are raised depending on grazing and adopt one birth system every year.
The fertility rate in this species reaches 95 % and the mating season starts from May to Shtinber hair, but it reaches its peak in the month of Chest
A 1 to 1.26 sheep per ewe. It also features a good milk productivity. The average weight of females is 45 to 60 kg and between 60 to 80 kg for males.
Home of the sheep (Duman dynasty) The Duman dynasty is spread in the southeast regions of the Kingdom of Morocco, especially in the Rashidia regions. Tangering. Zagora rice. Violet (Morocco) The sheep of Daman are associated with high reproductive and high fertility, but they don't cope well outside their spread areas, especially in mountainous areas. Duman sheep can give birth between 1 to 4 or more sheep per childbirth, and can mate all year long since the sphere between birth and the other is not big or 2 births can be achieved within one year of weight At adulthood between 30 to 45 kilograms for sheep and between 50 and 70 kilograms for sheep, the sheep of Daman is characterized by being the only strain in Morocco that does not contain horns, whether in sheep or dementia Black and white or black in the prevailing state of the dynasty genetics..
Daman sheep are among the most used Moroccan strains in hybrid operations since several types of hybridization can be accomplished.
Mating at the tune up:
Reproduction occurs after winter months and before the start of summer in May and June and breeding stops at the end or beginning of July during this breeding period, the male's eunuch is at the height of its size and eggs appear in the female bleach channel
After the breeding period, the male's eunuchs are embroidered and the eggs disappear from the female bleach. June and the beginning of July are considered the period of laying eggs for discipline and the number of eggs subject from 32 40, eggs are placed in a hole about deep 50 cm and the female covers it with dirt and this hole is inside or next to the hole so that it doesn't get too far from the hole. The female embraces eggs inside her body for (5 weeks). In this period, the fetus develops inside the egg and needs another 6 weeks in the soil for the young to appear from the egg during the end of June until mid-September, and the fetus It has one period to lay eggs during the breeding season and the sexual attainment of the compound is three to four years old.
The temperature of the atmosphere, vegetation cover and animal color have an effect on mating, as when the temperature drops or rises, mating stops, and an abundance in plants helps mating and lack of plants stops mating, and the color of the yellow animal Or the dull helps with the mating process, either dark color stops mating.
The mating process begins with the male flirting with certain head and neck movements. This flirting may last from minutes to more than an hour, then the male meets the female, and the male turns the female on her back, and then inserts his male member (the dawn has balls and a male member divided into the female vaginal slot. The female vaginal is also divided into two openings, bleach) and then the mating process occurs.
They are animals that have no internal control through which they can adapt their body temperature to the temperature around them.
Many of these animals gain heat when the surrounding environment is warm, and they are cool if the surrounding environment is cold, and all animals fall close to this type of animals except birds and mammals, which are classified under hot blood animals.
Most cold-blooded animals that live on land adapted their body temperature and motor behaviour, moving to sunlight when they feel extreme cold and into the shadow when they feel extreme heat.
This is why cold-blooded animals do winter hibernation because they can't live in the extreme cold season and don't have how their bodies gain energy and heat for movement and mobility.

Thanks to 

a2teS8ulefh pJauoneensst 2olrh02e0d  · for his great work and sharing it with us.
لسنا الأفضل ولكن نحاول أن نقدم لكم ما هو افضل،اهلا بكم معنا في عالم البراري.
We are not the best but we try to give you what is best, welcome to the prairie world.
In temperatures of up to 60°C in the desert we find some kind of ants specially emerging in this atmosphere from underground to search for food, and broadcast above ground for up to 20 minutes a day. But how can these ants survive in this atmosphere? The New York Times recalls that desert ants called ′′ Silver Ants ′′ can adapt to these high temperatures due to a unique cover of hair that covers their bodies and helps cool their bodies, researchers report these hairs It reverses the sun's rays from the ant body and dissipates the heat which prevents ant from losing due to high heat in the desert. ′′ These hairs are very important for ant survival ". says one of the factors that make those type of ants choose the hotest moment of the day to get out of their holes, is that heat makes lizards broadcast in their brows. Which gives ants the freedom to search for food without being predated.

No photo description available.
Name: Afro Sand Snake-Asian in Amazigh: Zaray Couleuvre de Forsskal
Scientific Name: Psammophis schokari schoka
This snake lives in most areas except for high mountains and desert. Usually near humans in parks and green areas. Birds, small rodents, lizards, and bats.

Alfred Balban shared a post.
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Great snowfall today!

Agoudal today is Beautiful, dressed in White!!
Have a nice weekend Friends!! Have fun!!
Beware of touching this thing
For it will be your eternal end. If you see this shape and touch it, you will die in less than a minute, because it is not a rare currency, but it is the back of an hourglass spider that looks like a scorpion, it will paralyze your movement in a minimum period of 5 seconds and die within minutes. None of the experts knew how it came from the Namibia desert or from northern Siberia and was recently spotted in scattered places in Morocco.
God creates whatever He wants!

Sand Storm!


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