As always making us proud!  Special Olympics Gibraltar

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All the best of luck...

Oberhaching and Taufkirchen Host Town.
Are waiting to welcome the Gibraltar delegation for the next few days.
Between meeting the Mayors, invited to a beer garden (non alcoholic )
Horse drawn carts, cinema studio, our athletes will have time to learn about the culture in Bavaria and also to bond as a team
HOD now travelling by train from Berlin to Munich to wait for the team Gibraltar’s arrival.

Special Olympics Gibraltar are all set for the Special Olympics World Games🛫. The team of 27 athletes are on route to Germany where they will compete in 8 different sports from the 17 - 25 June. Best of luck to them!

What a glorious day it was! As a hosttown for the Special Olympics Berlin we welcomed the athletes from Gibraltar together with Taufkirchen. Mayor Stefan Schelle received them at the sports school Oberhaching. After that, we went by horse carriage to the town hall, where our guests entered the Golden Book of the community. The subsequent carriage ride through the place ended in Biergarten Kugler Alm , where Haberl invited gastronomy to dinner. The brass band Deisenhofen provided the atmosphere and our guests were happy about the dance performance of our traditional youth and the skill games organized by the team from Jugendtreff A12 Oberhaching Nice getting to know you guys! 

Just finished his 50m back stroke , qualified for the semifinals , so proud of you Stephen.

Well done Stephen!

Did you catch the Special Olympics Gibraltar team at the Opening Ceremony of the Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 Saturday night on Gibtelecom TV?!

Brian never misses his moment infront of a camera :)

Great news from the Special Olympics World Games in Berlin!


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