Our group has always done a family raid to give our children the chance to live our experience and be an eye opener for them, the last one we did was back in 2011 so after talking with some members and the committee we have decided that next years raid will be a family one.

Obviously we will have to go in a mid term, April / May, from school as in Easter it is too busy and we will only be going for one week instead of 2, we will do the 2 weeks raid later in November.

So if you want to give your child a great experience do not loose this chance for it as we will visit our solidarity projects using good hotels as our base to be as comfort as possible for the family and we will be reaching our destinations by road.

Hope many can make it.

More update soon!

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Looking forward to another family trip, I have taken my daughters before and they are also looking forward to it!

Hope I can convince the wife to come

She will you will see, once she see's others are coming and it is going to be a holiday ;)

I will be starting the itinerary for this raid which will be all by road except when visiting our solidarity projects that will be on dust roads, any vehicle can drive on them. We will be using 4 stars Hotels on the trip so comfort will be our priority for our families.

Hope many of our members & friends with their families will be able to join us and live the experience.

The club is being approached in connection with this family trip by non members who are willing to attend even though they have no 4x4 vehicles, they have been informed that we will be moving through tarmac roads and some dirt tracks which any car can drive on to get to our projects.

The whole idea is to get our children to do our solidarity works with us and get them to see how lucky they are, some come back with another state of mind, seen it happen!

It would be a nice idea to those coming with their children to get them to organise their toys and school materials they could have and choose what they really do not need or use anymore to take themselves, maybe do a package with a shoebox or something, they would choose a child when we take them to our school project and hand it to him or her him/herself.

For any questions on the trip do not doubt in contacting through here or Face Book or telephone us at 54031219.

Seems we have had a good response for this idea, hope we can get some schools involved!

Dates for this unique family raid is already chosen, the only time the children will be not missing school and the weather will be good to travel will be during the Easter Holidays, as from the 7th of April to the 16th of April we will be experiencing this raid with our families.

This is your chance to enjoy a full adventure with your family and show your children how lucky they are living in Gibraltar.

Remember any vehicle could make it to our solidarity projects so everyone is invited to come and live the experience and see our works personally and also collaborate in our projects.

We have 8 cars attending for this unique raid, all is going as planned and we have to thank Honorable Minister Linares in collaborating with the school project with his support with St. Annes School who will be gettig 25 children to bring from home a shoe box with presents for our children to deliver to those children in need.

One more car has joined with their family so nine cars will be on the adventure which promises loads of great experiences everyone will always remember!

Well tomorrow is the day, we thank all involved to make this trip possible and hope goes smooth and our children gets the awareness this unique raid is done for.


We are dedicated to Leisure & Sports and collaborating locally & abroad in charitable works & Solidarity Projects on our annual Raids.

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