Two married for twenty years. Decided to take a summer vacation at the beach in the same hotel where they spent their honeymoon time But the wife was busy. The husband told her wife. He's travelling alone. And she follows him out after two days.. The husband got to the hotel and entered the room. Got a computer room and hooked up to the internet. He said: I will send an e-mail to my wife to assure her on how I'm doing. After he wrote the message and he writes his e-mail address. His wife made a mistake in writing the letter in the title. And of course the e-mail went to someone who happens to be a widow. Just come back from the burial ceremony of her husband. Who died in the same day.. The widow open computer to read condolences e-mails. And fell on the floor passed out. A moment later entered her son who tried to aid her in every way he could. The son went to the computer of his mother and read the following message: My dear wife.. arrived ok.. And I am surprised because I can tell you via the internet, Because we already have a computer And anyone can send news for his care and love day by day.. I got an hour keep and I made sure they prepare the place And everything.. so seeing you here in two days.. I miss you so much and miss see you I wish be a quick trip like my journey. Note: it is not necessary to bring heavy clothes with you Because here is very hot like hell!