We obviously do not get snow but in the past we have had to put our vehicles in use to tow out an ambulance due to inundations of heavy rains.

Images from this past days in Madrid were all club and 4x4 owners have gone out in the snow storm to help many get home safe!

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They laugh but it did the deed :)

For days the 4x4 collective have been there!

Ayuda en carretera
Off Road Top πŸ”πŸ”
RUTAS 4X4 πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ”πŸ”πŸ‘Œ
Alfred Balban shared a post.
La PolicΓ­a Nacional felicitando a uno de nuestros compaΓ±eros del 4X4 por la ayuda prestada


Hoy hemos continuado ayudando personas y municipios. Nos hemos dividido en varios equipos para llegar a mΓ‘s lugares: turismos en caminos asfaltados, 4x4 en caminos del monte, haciendo de quitanieves con nuestra retroexcavadora... intentando dar cobertura al mayor nΓΊmero posible de afectados, priorizando las personas y la seguridad, como siempre.

The people help every were, even the authorities!

Ayudando como podemos. 😎πŸ’ͺ

Justin-Shiro McNeice is feeling proud.

Good deed done on Friday, recovering a 7.5ton JCB which was stuck in gear with no drive, quickly disconnected front and rear diffs and pulled it back home. RGP assisted perfectly without interfering in the recovery process then providing an escort to restore traffic flow in Gibraltar


We are dedicated to Leisure & Sports and collaborating locally & abroad in charitable works & Solidarity Projects on our annual Raids.

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