Sponsor a child Touareg - sponsoring aTwareg ChildCategoría: Organizaciones-voluntariosDescripción: French Organizaciones
This group is intended to draw the attention of as many persons on the situation that many nomadic children live more children particularly Twaregs....

North of Mali and Niger, in agadez, and kidal regions climatic and cultural conditions force the people to practise local pastoralism. The families nomadisent based on own to feed their cattle pasture. This practice penalizes often employed children (especially girls) to the custody of the herds.
Many parents may send their children to schools of Bush due to lack of means to pay for school supplies and the canteen. This situation becomes insoluble when crossing secondary city, is envisaged as pension costs are impossible to sustain for most families.
The consequences are the marginalization of the touarègue youth who sufficient intellectual baggage fault can access the positions.
This minority ethnicity, already weakened by years of drought and political instability has seriously compromised cultural survival.

Sponsorship organized by our group aimed at allowing children of the said regions access to schooling primary and secondary level normal, promoting cultural and friendly exchanges between touaregs children and their Western sponsors.

By correspondence
-Sponsors receive their godchild with an individual photo identification sheet and a family photo.
-The teacher through, sponsors may begin to maintain a match with the child (drawings, photos, small gifts... trade)
-With the acquisition of writing correspondence may continue directly with the child.

Through the Exchange
-THE Group undertakes to facilitate travel sponsors want go to Mali and Niger and to organize their home on the spot.


Financial or material support provided by sponsors if conditions their permit, the payment can be done via a bancaire.dont account the references are cited below.

Account holder: Linda Harsch: sponsor a Tuareg child, sponsoring a child twareg
International Bank Account Number (IBAN):
0023 1931 2444 8900 LU03
Bank identifier code: BILLLULL

Amendment or termination of the sponsorship
Sponsors undertake to inform the association at least 2 months in advance of any change in the commitment to sponsorship so relay is taken to leave the child without resources.

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Comment by Marocatlasgib4x4 Club on March 17, 2011 at 0:18
Asunto: Updates about assistance to refugees from Libya
Dear members, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) is not represented locally in Agadez. We contacted french and nigerien Red Cross in Agadez. Officials of these structures have explained to us that they will not intervene for refugees. International committee of the Red cross (ICRC) just built up a temporary transit center in Agadez to receive non-nigeriens to stop them before the International organization for migration (IOM) will provide them transportation to their home countries. The only structure that focuses on people fleeing the conflict in Libya is Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Agadez. This international non governmental organization (NGO) supports health care for migrants without distinction of nationality. But this type of service that benefits only the migrants are housed in centers that are created for this purpose. The majority of migrants leave it without assistance because they are neither fed nor housed in Agadez. In spite of many of these people, especially women and children, have lack of everything.
The NGO Association AP-Imidiwan is trying to help families who arrived with the waves of migrants to Agadez, provide accommodation for them in a house rented for this purpose for 3 to 5 days. This support applies only to families who do not have a place to stay in the town of Agadez. The length of stay depends on the health status of migrants. During this stop, officers of AP-Imidiwan and representants of MSF in Agadez, guide families to received their medical care and to distribute them food during their stay in the transit center of the NGO AP-Imidiwan. The NGO is also responsible for transportation costs for those most vulnerable. But these costs already exceed the capacity of specific intervention of the NGO, which soon will not be able to provide this useful assistance for Tuareg families from Libya.
We have received a dozen of Tuareg family who arrived with the first wave of displaced persons. These families are from the municipalities of Tamaya (Abalak department) and Tchintabaraden (Tchintabaraden department).
Other convoys of migrants are announced in the coming weeks and this flood of people will unfortunately continue for several months, depending on the evolution of the crisis that disrupts Libya.
Even on the assumption that will be stopped hostilities in the country, companies and corporations that provided jobs for foreigners will need time to retrieve their activities. It probably will not mean the end of the upcoming migration of the population to their country of origin.

Assan Midal, AP-Imidiwan
Comment by Alfred Balban on February 9, 2011 at 18:19
Long-standing competition for resources in the Sahel has impacted Tuareg conflicts with neighboring African groups, especially after political disruption and economic constraints following French colonization and independence, tight restrictions placed on nomadization, high population growth, and desertification exacerbated by global warming and the increased firewood needs of growing cities. Today, some Tuareg are experimenting with farming; some have been forced to abandon herding, and seek jobs in towns and cities.
The needs and difficulties of Tuaregs were ignored and sometimes even despised by opinion worldwide.

They have always been marginalised as citizens. During and since the colonizal period, their existence disturbed their close neighbors, despite their ownership - fair or unfair - of these territories since time immemorial. Tuaregs have been translocated to shantytowns around the big cities of Niger and Mali or have been exiled to refugee camps.
Tuaregs took to weapons and a few years ago began a Rebellion.

Comment by Alfred Balban on February 9, 2011 at 0:18
Comment by ALBERT GOLT on February 16, 2010 at 18:21

Patrocinar a un niño Touareg - patrocinadores de aTwareg de ChildCategoría: Organizaciones-voluntariosDescripción: Organizaciones de francés
Este grupo pretende llamar la atención de tantas personas sobre la situación que muchos niños nómados viven más niños particularmente Twaregs....
Al norte de Malí y Níger, en agadez y kidal condiciones climáticas y cultural de las regiones obligan al pueblo a practicar pastoreo local. El nomadisent de familias basado en propia para alimentar a su ganado pastos. Esta práctica penaliza a los niños a menudo empleados (especialmente las niñas) a la custodia de los rebaños.
Muchos padres pueden enviar a sus hijos a escuelas de Bush debido a la falta de medios para pagar material escolar y la cantina. Esta situación se vuelve insoluble cuando se prevea secundaria ciudad de cruce, como los costos de pensiones son imposibles de mantener para la mayoría de las familias.
Las consecuencias son la marginación de los jóvenes de touarègue que suficiente equipaje intelectual de errores pueden tener acceso a las posiciones.
Esta etnia minoritaria, ya debilitado por años de sequía y la inestabilidad política ha comprometido gravemente la supervivencia cultural.
Patrocinio organizado por nuestro grupo por objeto permitir a los niños el acceso de dichas regiones a la escolarización normal nivel primario y secundario, promover intercambios culturales y amistosos entre los niños de touaregs y sus patrocinadores occidentales.
Por correspondencia
-Patrocinadores recibirán a su ahijado con una hoja de identificación individual de foto y una foto de familia.
-El profesor a través, patrocinadores pueden comenzar a mantener una coincidencia con el niño (dibujos, fotografías, pequeños regalos... Comercio)
-Con la adquisición de escribir correspondencia podrá seguir directamente con el niño.
A través de la bolsa
-EL grupo se compromete a facilitar a viajes patrocinadores desean ir a Malí y Níger y organizar su casa sobre el terreno.
Apoyo financiero o material proporcionado por patrocinadores, si las condiciones de su permiso, el pago se puede hacer a través de una cuenta de bancaire.dont que las referencias se citan a continuación.
Titular: Linda Harsch: patrocinar a un niño Tuareg, patrocinando un niño twareg
Número de cuenta bancaria internacional (IBAN):
0023 1931 8900 2444 LU03
Código de identificación del Banco: BILLLULL
Modificación o la rescisión del patrocinio
Patrocinadores se comprometen a informar a la asociación al menos 2 meses antes de cualquier cambio en el compromiso de patrocinio para que retransmisión es llevado a dejar al niño sin recursos

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