MarocAtlas Gibraltar 4x4 Club, a nonprofit organization based in Gibraltar. This club is dedicated to organizing4x4 off-road activities, such as:
Solidarity raids– adventurous trips with a focus on supporting charitable causes.
Technical driving competitions– events that test and showcase off-road driving skills.
With a strong emphasis onphilanthropy, the club collaborates oncharitable works and solidarity projects, particularly inMorocco, though its efforts extend to other regions as well. Established in1994, the club leverages theNing platformto create a hub where members can:
Engagein leisure and sports activities related to 4x4 off-roading.
Shareexperiences, photos, and updates.
Participatein events and access information about upcoming raids and competitions.
Supportthe club’s mission of giving back to communities through its initiatives.
In essence, a vibrant social network for 4x4 enthusiasts who are passionate about adventure, technical driving, and making a positive impact through charitable endeavors.