Rules & Regulations file download.

The Solidarity Raid into Morocco is an event which has proved to be not suitable to members who are not yet qualified in some off-road fields or does not Abide to the Clubs Rules & Regulations during the time the Raid takes place.

We have come to the conclusion that the Raids have to be organised in another way to make members learn to navigate with their GPS system if they wish to. Make the whole Raid an adventure for them.

The preparation of this Raids takes a lot of work and experience on the field and that members have to take into account that MarocAtlasGib 4x4 is fully qualified on all fields and the main concern of the Club is the Safety of the participants.

So as from next year the Raids will not only have a Solidarity side but also a complete off-road course of navigation which participants will have to able to use and have at least its Basic knowledge to be able to adventure on their own.

  • Rules & Regulations are to be followed at all costs or the persons who do not abide to them could get cautioned or even asked to leave if its giving problems to the rest of the group.This is all well informed on our Clubs Event Waiver you members sign.
  • Every vehicle will be issued with the itenary of the whole Raid and they will decide how they will travel from one destination to another.
  • Participants must understand that bookings for Hotels are done for each destination, if you decide to change the itinerary the organisation will not be liable to any refunds.
  • GPS tracks and way points will be given and if you need any info on downloading we will gladly help.This will give you the option of doing this your own adventure by choosing following the tracks or meeting us on our next stage by road.

If you intend to follow the tracks I highly recommend you have an early start to be able to move during the day, the organisation will announce a departing hour every night before our next stage. If only for a good reason the organisation will not wait and will meet at our next destination.

This is a chance to challenge yourself in becoming a true Adventurer OFF-ROADER!

Respect others.

Fatigue and lack of sleep adds up and takes its toll on everyone. Be aware, patience, tolerance and respect to all other participants, but also with members of the organization (they are the first to rise and the last in bed) and especially with the local people, who always receive us with open arms.

Help other participants.

The spirit of the raid assumes a willingness to help other participants whenever needed. Remember that success depends heavily on cooperation; at times we will be helping others and at times we will be receiving help. And with good vibes, you will sleep much better.

Respect local laws.

Respect the Moroccan Highway Code, always drive at moderate speed (animals like goats, donkeys or camels may suddenly appear before you at any time) and reduce speed in villages. Pay special attention to children; the expectation of a gift makes them follow, approach or even cross in front of tourist's vehicles.

Be respectful of Muslim culture and customs, we are in their country.

It is not necessary to know Moroccan laws, just use common sense. Do not behave in any way you would not do in your own country, try to avoid behaving like those tourists whom we may consider rude, arrogant or disrespectful. That should be enough.

Respect the environment.

In Morocco you will not find containers for recycling waste, but normally there will be trash cans in villages and in establishments where we stay. Do not leave your trash along the route, throw it in rubbish containers. No debris thrown out the car's windows!

Water is a scarce and precious commodity, especially in the desert, make a responsible use of it during your stay in campgrounds and hotels.

MarocAtlas Gibraltar 4x4 Club's Raid's Organiser, Alfred Balban & Committee.

MarocAtlasGib4x4 Club Events Waiver.docx

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Comment by Alfred Balban on November 5, 2014 at 12:26

Some updates made!

Comment by Louis Balban on December 21, 2012 at 21:44

I agree. Well said.

We are dedicated to Leisure & Sports and collaborating locally & abroad in charitable works & Solidarity Projects on our annual Raids.

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