MarocAtlasGib4x4 got involved with the Dolphin Bar,Mana Care & the Philippines Gibraltar community in Aid of the Philippines appeal,we started by delivering 2 cars full of clothing and camping beds to be sent to the Philippines,later we got more involved and this is what we provided to the Family Fun day at Camp Bay for 2 days!

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Comment by Marocatlasgib4x4 Club on June 29, 2024 at 16:10

GBC also made News of the way we were treated back then.

GBC article link.

Spanish customs officials have blocked a shipment of emergency aid, donated by Gibraltarians, from being shipped to the Philippines.

The container full of food, blankets, vitamins and drinking water was due to be shipped from Algeciras to the Red Cross in Manila, but it was not allowed across the border into Spain. 


Spanish customs have said they could not issue the necessary certificates for importing food.

A spokesman for Madrid's Customs and Excise department has said that food was not allowed into La Linea as the office there is not able, under EU legislation, to import products intended for human or animal consumption.  The banned foods could have been imported through Algerciras, but doing this by sea is more expensive.

Instead, the container is now due to be collected from Gibraltar on December 29 at greater expense to the Maroc Atlas Gibraltar 4x4 group which organised the relief shipment.  Donations will continue to be welcome till Friday lunchtime - contact Alfred on 54031219.


The delay has been criticised as being politically motivated.

Andrew Rosindell MP told the Telegraph: ?The Spanish are behaving in a hateful fashion and it is totally inexcusable?Relations between Britain and Spain are at an all time low over their continuing bullying of Gibraltar? We are fast reaching a point where Britain will have no choice but to show Madrid ? in a drastic way ? that their behavior will not be tolerated.?

?It is disgusting that the poor people of the Philippines should now be made to suffer due to this Spanish obsession? Mr Rosindell told the UK broadsheet.

MEP Sir Graham Watson said the decision to block the relief food was ?absolutely appalling?, adding he intends to raise the matter immediately with EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström.


A huge international relief effort has been underway since early November following the devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan.  The head of the Red Cross in the Philippines has described the situation there as "absolute bedlam".  Millions of people have been affected and many are now struggling to survive without food, shelter or clean drinking water.

Comment by Alfred Balban on June 28, 2016 at 22:20
Comment by Alfred Balban on January 10, 2014 at 19:22

Today has been the last day of collection for the appeal,we have already loaded fully the container so finished with our side of the job,I would really like to thank every one involved in this cause,so we have shown once again the support not only of the members but also our sponsors and specially the community of Gibraltar who without them all this could not be achieved,THANKS!

Comment by Marocatlasgib4x4 Club on December 27, 2013 at 19:05

Today we have been informed by Redwood that the container will be here till the 12th of Jan 2014 as there has been some delay for the shipment,so we would like to inform the public that this LORRY provided by Redwood will be at their parking just beside the Guard post,if you wish to collaborate with more summer clothing you can deposit it in the lorry which has it back half open as you can see in the Photo above,please put everything in bin bags and inside the lorry.
Thank you all for your support!

Comment by Louis Balban on December 23, 2013 at 22:56

MarocAtlasGib4x4 Club would like to thank all those who have helped us out. Redwood for their effort and assistance, Saccone & Speed and Restsso, Cisarego & Son Victory Enterprises and Anglo Hispano Nestle and government. We also have to thank the Highways Enforcement Officers who assisted us in driving the lorry wrong way through the tunnel. Also Taxi association, Tina's takeaway, Stanley Olivero for having let us use the Dolphins Bar as storage and as a base for all the donations.

Comment by Marocatlasgib4x4 Club on December 23, 2013 at 21:59

Thanks to GBC!

Comment by Marocatlasgib4x4 Club on December 23, 2013 at 18:25
Today we have finished loading what we had in stock for the container,it will be at the depot till Sunday when it will be boarded onto the ship to Rotterdam and then to Manila Philippines were the Red Cross will handle its contents,if any one has anymore stuff to give away for the cause can contact us at 54031219,we have until Friday the 27th midday to be able to load it completely,we can collect or meet at the guard post at North Mole were I will take you to the container,thanks Gibraltar Community for your continuous support!
Comment by Marocatlasgib4x4 Club on December 23, 2013 at 12:46

Looks like our local media has got some interest in our doings so Alfred The Club President will be interviewed by Radio Gibraltar for todays Focus news at 1:30 and Gbc will interview him at the loading of the container for tonight News Watch!

Comment by Alfred Balban on December 23, 2013 at 11:12

Thanks to Blands who have provided a container before the ship arrives on the 29th so we can load and have it ready,so this morning I have already loaded the merchandise from Restsso Trading who we would like to thank,Sacconee & Speed will be bringing the water too this morning,this afternoon at 2 pm we will be loading all the rest of the merchandise we are holding in the Redwood lorry so please we need help to do this work,who ever can come please be at the entrance of North Mole at 2 pm

Comment by Alfred Balban on December 22, 2013 at 16:40

Another UK article!

Spain accused of behaving in a 'hateful fashion' after blocking aid for typhoon victims

  • Spanish authorities stopped an aid truck from leaving Gibraltar
  • Food, blankets and clothes were destined for typhoon Haiyan victims
  • Tory MP Andrew Rosindell accuses officials of acting in a 'hateful fashion'

By Fergal Macerlean


A British MP has accused Spain of acting in a ‘hateful fashion’ after it stopped a truck loaded with aid for the victims of the Philippines typhoon from leaving Gibraltar.

The vehicle, carrying food, blankets and clothes, was heading to the Spanish port city of Algeciras, where its container was to have been loaded on to a ship bound for Manila.

The supplies had been collected by a Gibraltar charity at jumbles sales, and were to be given to families left homeless by Typhoon Haiyan.

Tory MP Andrew Rosindell has accused Spain of acting in a 'hateful fashion' after officials at the Gibraltar border blocked a truck filled with aid from leaving

Tory MP Andrew Rosindell has accused Spain of acting in a 'hateful fashion' after officials at the Gibraltar border blocked a truck filled with aid from leaving

Spanish officials at the border town of La Linea stopped the truck, saying they were unable to give authorisation for the food – which was mainly tinned or in packets – to be moved within the European Union.


MPs accused the Spanish authorities of creating yet more hassle for Gibraltarians, as part of the dispute with Britain over sovereignty of the Rock.

Tory MP Andrew Rosindell said: ‘The  Spanish are behaving in a hateful fashion.

‘We are fast reaching a point where Britain will have no choice but to show Madrid – in a drastic way – that their behaviour will  not be tolerated.’

The latest spat comes after Spain upped security checks at the Gibraltar border this summer causing hours of delays to motorists and which the EU has ruled as lawful

The latest spat comes after Spain upped security checks at the Gibraltar border this summer causing hours of delays to motorists and which the EU has ruled as lawful

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