Our friend MonteroSWB has confirmed the trip to the Circuito Almeji for the 26 of febraury,anyone interesred contact our friend on his page for info.

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Nos vamos el sabado en busca de fango?
Podriamos hacer el rio Genal bro,vale la pena pero tu con cuidado que no tienes snorkel.
No creo que haya problemas bro para que vengan mas gente,solo hay que organisarnos para ir para arriba,ellos pagarian al entrar.
We are going to meet at 8:30 am on saturday at the PRYCA PARKING and from there we will do 2 groups to drive to the circuito.
See u there bro!!!!!!

Every body should pass the word around for the meeting on saturday as not evryone use the internet.

See you all there then.

2 days left for our event,hope everyone knows we are meetting at 8:30 at the Parking of the Pryca in la Linea,from there we will do 2 groups and head up to the Venta La Solana to meet the man who will lead us to the Almeji resort.
El fango te esta esperando bro,tienen sprinklers trabajando todo el tiempo y hay un poso como el posito al final de la ruta que haremos tambien.
De eso se trata bro de quedarse cogido,el que no se queda es porque no se mete
Ya lo e visto,no hay problema,comemos en la venta.

I too would like to thank everyone for passing a great day at the resort,hope we could get together more often.It was great to have so many different 4x4 models and see them in action.

We should all thank Steward el Fili for organizing the event.

Even though some cars had some damage you have to remember that its part of driving a 4x4 to its extreme,but ! belive its worth it for the experience.



No hay ningun problema bro para hacer un bbq,ya lo tienen alli puesto,no se si te fijaste debajo del arbol que estaban los guias,en el email que le mandaron al Fili dice que podemos llevar nuestra comida y van a preparar un comedor tambien me dijo Paco.


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