Our Club will participate in this solidarity route to help the most in need with food provided by the 100 vehicles which will be participating.

We will have three vehicles competing individually under the clubs on a 3 different navigational methods in three stages. 140 km of tracks and waypoints the teams have to locate and photograph. Looking forward for a great day for all.

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I will be participating once again as copilot with Justin in his Montero 2.8!

Stephen will be participating with his Toyota 120!

Mark will be participating with his Toyota HDJ 80!

As we cannot do the event due to the regulations in Andalusia the participants together with the Org have decided to hand over the food donations to the association in Malaga so they can distribute it to the most in need.

Up to now over 2000 euros have been collected from all the participants and collaborators, by the end of the month the org will be doing the shopping of the products which will be donated to Corazones de Malaga charity organisation, for the most needed of the area.


We are dedicated to Leisure & Sports and collaborating locally & abroad in charitable works & Solidarity Projects on our annual Raids.

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