Our club joined forces and became trustees of the Gibraltar registered charity N. 264 The Taourarte Education Project back in 2018 and have been working together since then helping with their projects during our solidarity raids were we visit the village and deliver school materials and other things for the children.

The project also consists in providing funds to help those students who need to continue their studies outside their village. 

Some of our members went in 2019 and spent a week at the school renovating the classroom making many children and families very happy.

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Works in progress
The next stage of the project has commenced. Despite the difficulties imposed by Covid and travel restrictions and with the help of Hassan, our man in Tarourate, works started on Friday to refurbish the teachers living quarters. Works are being done during the two week midterm holiday.

Looking forward to be able to visit the project in May if the restictions are lifted at the border with Morocco, inchaallah!

Continuing works at Taourarte in collaboration with The Taourarte Educational Project!
The School Project is feeling motivated.
Published by Alfred Balban
No photo description available.
Thanks to the Taourarte Education Project for their support with these books for our school projects! — feeling grateful at MarocAtlasGib4x4.
The School Projectis feeling thankful.
May be an image of indoor
Thanks to the guys for sorting out the school stuff. Loads of pencil cases thanks to Cosmopolitan Gibraltar! 😎👍feeling positive atMarocAtlasGib4x4.
Hopefully we will make some children smile again if we are allowed to travel in May.
The Flag Day was a great success.
The final amount raised was £2010 :68p.

Last but not least school solidarity at Chefchaouen . 🇲🇦✌🇬🇮.
Taourarte Education Project. 2018 Recon Raid!

Works on the tearchers a commodation is progressing.

The next stage of the project has commenced. Despite the difficulties imposed by Covid and travel restrictions and with the help of Hassan, our man in Tarourate, works started on friday to refurbish the teachers living quarters. Works are being done during the two week midterm holiday.

Works to the teachers accommodation nearing completion. The works have been done during a 2 week school holiday.

The Org wants to take a stall at the Car Boot Sale on the 5th December at the ex Queens Cinema Car Park.


We are dedicated to Leisure & Sports and collaborating locally & abroad in charitable works & Solidarity Projects on our annual Raids.

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