1994 - 2025 Nonprofit Org. Join us on our Solidarity Raids & Adventures!
I will be going and taking our stand for them to use.
Great to see the result of a great teamwork!
The curtain has been drawn on the events of the Duke of Edinburgh Award competition. And this is in the framework of partnership with the Strait of Gibraltar Association, a camping activity in the Kouf region - Al-Mazeq city for the benefit of the students of the Communication Association for the Deaf, and with the framework of the Scout Organization, the Ambassadors of Peace, Tetouan branch.
Fantastic clip of their...
Press Announcement: Adventurous Journey Expedition for the Duke of Edinburgh International Award in Morocco implemented by the Strait of Gibraltar Association´s Independent Award Centre in Tangier.
It is with a great pleasure to announce the first Adventurous Journey Expedition for the Duke of Edinburgh International Award in Morocco on Saturday and Sunday, October 1st and 2nd.
Strait of Gibraltar Association´s Independent Award Centre (IAC) for the Duke of Edinburgh International Award in Tangier was delighted to organize the Adventurous Journey Expedition event in the region of Tetouan especially in Al Kouf area. where our participants were provided with the opportunity to learn more about the nature, as well as to develop their self-confidence, team work, enthusiasm, and health. They were taken out of their comfort zone- in an unfamiliar environment but kept within a safe and secure setting.
During two days, the participants walked for long distances, prepared their places and did many activities such as cooking, playing games... which made the adventurous journey a remarkable experience, and would surely be a wonderful story to be told, as they were happy and excited to live the moment and to reach the goals. And with them, we felt our important role of assessing, supporting and empowering the skills, abilities and gifts of the next generations.
This is a life changing experience that will be present in our minds, as we lived it with the participants from different angles, we discovered their stories and they discovered ours, we shared love, respect and passion.
This event was organized by the Strait of Gibraltar Association IAC-Tangier in conjunction with the Scouts Association OSAP Tetouan, Assadaka Association for mentally disabled children (represented by Mr. Aziz and Mr. Ahmed) and Sinwan Centre - Attawasol Association for deaf children (represented by Ms Hind and Ms Nidal).
Yet, we knew that we had special cases and special participants, but believing that WE CAN DO IT was the key of success, and we will always be proud of our participants and our partners.
We would like to thank Mr. Michael Pizzarello and The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Gibraltar for the donation of the majority of the equipments used in the adventurous journey and for their unconditional support and assistance to our Award Centre in Tangier and also to the MarocAtlas Gibraltar 4x4 Club for transporting the equipment to Tangier.
A special thanks to Mr. Kenneth Cardona, Mr. John Napoli from Gibraltar, for taking the time and effort to travel to Tangier and live the experience with us, and we are also very grateful for the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award operators and staff for supporting us, and for everyone who was involved in the event.
We are looking forward for more and more unforgettable stories.
Thanks for the mention.
The United Kingdom is the guest of honor of the 15th International Forum for Agriculture in Morocco, under the slogan “Green Generation, for Sustainable Food Sovereignty”.
The United Kingdom is the guest of honor of the 15th edition of SIAM - Salon International de l'Agriculture au Maroc, under the theme “Green Generation: For sustainable food sovereignty”.This edition of the International Agricultural Exhibition will be held in Meknes, from 02 to 07 May 2023.Learn more on: https://www.salon-agriculture.ma/en/
Club gets to sign a mutual agreements between associations to collaborate together in different projects.
We are dedicated to Leisure & Sports and collaborating locally & abroad in charitable works & Solidarity Projects on our annual Raids.
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