I have recently been thinking alot about new ways to promote the club since i feel there are still many more people into offroading in gibraltar who dont know about us or more so how to contact us, this got me thinking about the times when myself with the help of Morgan Chichon started the Gibraltar Japanese 4x4 page on Facebook. HUGELY popular page...

Coinsidently a few days later I saw some comments by two individuals on the wall of the Gibraltar japanese 4x4 page saying that they missed the page and that it was basicaly good fun and a pitty we had left it. I actually ended up agreeing since there was alot more interaction from non club members and it was through that site (lets not all now forget) that the first few events came through and we all met each other!


We all agree that the inital push in creating a page and group makes it ever so popular at the begining the novelty and people seeing our pictures brings in more interest and then we lose out by people dropping out of interest or out of not seeing more pics on the site they frequented etc

I remember looking at that pages stats and we used to have over a thousand hits a week (when we had new pics from new trips etc) - thats crazy promotion!!

These old pages used to keep the interest since (lets face it) only the hardcore club members and fans use this website and the others are just 'people on facebook'

Facebook is the best way to promote our club easily and to the masses and even though we do have a page and a club facebook i dont see as if 1. we use them or 2. as if they are making any kind of impact at all compared to the original pages did where we all used to connect, post comments, post photos etc etc

Even for our events, we had more contributions and the event system on facebook went out to everyone and i think since then our numbers have dropped.. Is it related to people not finding out since we only advertise on our webpage? could be summer too i guess...


Im not sure what i am recomending here since id like to leave this topic open for discussion but i am wondering if we should make a new facebook page for the club - infact, not even a page but a full account where we can run the advertising for the club? brand new fresh start with all pictures and events running through it AND this page...


comments please! :)



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Thats what I have been telling you guys all along,stewart thats why you became administrator of the page mate;)

As i've said before in facebook people who do not log on that often will be able to follow everything as through here you get a bit lost at times and miss out on alot of information whereas on facebook we have imediate response from all members specially now that every time more and more poeple have facebook even in the phones, and communication within members is easier

chat is still not working here for me, tried to use it many times but in the end nothing and end up with facebook open in order to chat with other members who do not use this page but are still our most frequent event attenders which proves that facebook is a more user friendly source to keep all members informed of all thats happening and all events.....

I've tried the chat here too once or twice but doesn't seem to be working for me either


Sorry guys there is a problem with the chat which is being looked in,I will inform you all as soon its back and working ;(


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